AB 1630
Why do we need AB 3116?
The student housing density bonus was created in 2019 by SB 1227 (Skinner). Though it provided a promising avenue for affordable student housing development, it has not been used in the five years since its creation. AB 3116 set out to fix that.
What does AB 3116 do?
AB 3116 makes essential updates to the student housing density bonus by creating a sliding scale of density bonus relative to affordability, removing the requirement for developers to master lease student housing to universities, and providing additional incentives and concessions .
Where is AB 3116 now?
AB 3116 was signed into law on September 22, 2024!
AB 1630
¿Qué harÃa AB 1630?
Dentro de los 1,000 pies de cualquier colegio o universidad en California, AB 1630 permitirÃa la construcción de hasta 3 pisos de viviendas, sin restricciones de densidad, siempre que el 20% de las unidades estén restringidas por escritura y sean asequibles para los estudiantes, el personal y la facultad.
¿Dónde está AB 1630 ahora?
Después de realizar avances significativos para cerrar la brecha entre la educación superior y la polÃtica de vivienda, AB 1630 se suspendió en esta sesión legislativa para que pudiéramos construir una coalición más grande y realizar investigaciones que cuantificaran su potencial transformador.
¿Que viene despues?
Student HOMES Coalition está construyendo una red de base de estudiantes en todo el estado para ampliar los éxitos de la organización para AB 1630, además de realizar investigaciones sobre cómo podemos abordar mejor las viviendas para estudiantes en California.
AB 1630
Why do we need AB 2801?
There are few requirements on landlords to provide evidence on why they keep some or all of a renter's security deposit. This is an issue that impacts students and other renters across the state.
What does AB 2801 do?
AB 2801 provides important protections to renters in California by limiting the ability of landlords to take security deposits without providing justification and evidence of repairs.
Where is AB 2801 now?
AB 2801 was signed into law on September 19, 2024!
AB 1630
What would AB 1630 do?
Within 1,000 ft. of any college or university in California, AB 1630 would allow the construction of up to 3 floors of housing, without density restrictions, so long as 20% of units are deed-restricted affordable to students, staff, and faculty.
Where is AB 1630 now?
Although AB 1630 did not move forward, it put the student housing crisis on the agenda and helped to bridge the gap between higher education and housing policy.
What comes next?
The Student HOMES Coalition is building a grassroots network of students across the state to expand on the successes of organizing for AB 1630, in addition to conducting research into how we can best tackle the student housing crisis in California.
VÃdeo de lanzamiento de AB 1630